
Katie:I use the internet to find the cheapest price for these products and once I've found the cheapest price I can use that to haggle for goods, if I phone up shops that have published their phone numbers on the internet. Yang Li: Katie sounds like a very wise online shopper to me. Diarmuid: Yes there are some good tips there. She looks at different products and searches for other people’s recommendations first. Katie: The advantages of internet shopping is it's truly global. I can buy the best goods from Germany, America, England, China, depending on what their speciality is. And I can also get the cheapest price that way; because they get delivered straight to your door, I don't have to leave my home to do that. Certainly the disadvantage is that I don't have that personal relationship with the storekeeper. Diarmuid: She also describes online shopping as truly global and convenient. Goods get delivered straight to your door no matter where they come from.
