
Diarmuid:This year I decided to go on holiday here in the UK instead of going to a foreign country. Feifei: So you had a staycation? Diarmuid: Exactly. This year I had a staycation. S.T.A.Y.C.A.T.I.O.N. Feifei: Staycation. it sounds like the word vacation. Diarmuid: Yes, it’s a new word that reflects the current economic situation in the UK. Feifei:So staycation is a newly invented word that represents a current trend in the UK. Diarmuid: Yes. The word has two parts: stay, as in stay here in Britain. And – cation which is part of the word vacation. Feifei: So a staycation is a holiday when you stay in your own country instead of going abroad. Example A: Where are you going on holiday this year? B: I’m having a staycation. I’m going to stay in the UK and go camping in the countryside. A: What a good idea for saving money. Feifei: So did you enjoy your holiday in Blackpool? Diarmuid: Yes, it was great… except for the terrible weather… and the bad food… and the terrible nightlife… and the miserable people
