
Zara: Since we got married – about a month after we got married, we started setting up a business together and went and bought a house together which needed a lot of work. Barnaby:Yeah, most people were picking out sofas and we were choosing what plaster to put on the wall and installing central heating and worrying about getting business in and starting up a new company. So there were quite a lot of stressful factors after we got married, but I think the marriage definitely was a thread of happiness that ran through it that definitely made it easier to cope with. When I hear myself being referred to as Zara’s husband, or I say “Let me ask my wife about that”, or we go up to book into somewhere, it’s Mr. and Mrs. Holbert – that does make me feel happy. It sounds really soppy saying it, but it’s true. Zara: We’re grown up – it’s fun. We still feel like we’re newly-weds, the novelty hasn’t worn off at all yet. And when people talk to us about being husband and wife we still giggle all the time, when we’re in company – and when we go to, for example a dinner party, or something, and go “this is my husband” and we both look at each other and giggle. You’d think we just got married last week sometimes. Barnaby: I know.
