
AS IT IS 2016-04-05 Air France Female Crew Members Object to Hijab 法航女性机组人员拒戴头巾

France’s national airline will allow female staff to volunteer for a new route to Iran rather than require them.

Air France announced that female flight attendants must wear a headscarf, also known as hijab, on arrival in Iran.  

Some flight attendants objected.

The union representing crew members said they worried that females would face discipline if they refused to work the flight.

The airline now says female participation on the route to Iran will be on a volunteer basis.

The airline begins three flights a week between Paris and Tehran on April 17. 

The headscarf issue puts the two cultures in conflict. Women in Iran have been required to wear hijab since a revolution in 1979. In France, religious headscarves are not allowed in some schools and offices. It is also against the law to wear the full-faced veil in public in France.

Words in This Story

headscarf – n.  a piece of cloth worn over a woman's or girl's head

hijab – n. a head covering worn in public by some women
