走进哈佛大学 第16期:哈佛拉德克制夫亚裔美国人协会历史(在线收听

 Rejection gave birth to the Asian American Association (AAA). During first-year orientation week in 1976,two Asian American women decided to attend a Minority Freshman Banquet sponsored by the university, but were barred from entering and were turned away.

亚裔美国人协会(AAA)是在“遭拒”的情况下诞生的。在1976年的迎新周里I 两个亚裔美国女生想参加哈佛大学举办的少数族裔学生迎新宴会'但遭到拒绝'不让 她们进去'并把她们赶走。
Harvard did not recognize Asian Americans as a minority, despite the legacy of legal discrimination and social prejudice' they share with other minority groups. Asian Ameri-cans were acknowledged as minorities by the federal government and by Harvard in enrollment reports it filed in order to receive federal affirmative-action funding. But the administration embraced the racist notion of Asian Americans as an assimilated', financially secure “model minority” and therefore not a true “minority.”
哈佛不承认亚裔美国人是少数民族.虽然他们同其他少数民族一样受到法律歧视 和社会偏见。联邦政府承认亚裔美国人是少数民族,哈佛大学在它的招生简章里也承 认这一点,为的是能得到联邦肯定行动的资金。但学校行政部门怀有这样一种种族观 念,认为亚裔美国人是被同化的、经济有保障的“模范少数族裔”,因此不算是真正的“少数族裔”。
Many Asian-American students found themselves in limbo, unable to identify with the white majority, but separated by definition from the minorities on campus. This feeling of isolation culminated in' the establishment of the Asian American Association, which Fred Ho and other students helped found. AAA launched an extensive campaign against the administration in seeking minority status for Asian American students.
许多亚裔美国学生发现无法确定自己的身份,他们不能和白人打成一片,但在定 义上又和校园里的少数族裔是分开的。这种孤立感最终致使亚裔美国人协会成立。该 协会是在侯维翰和其他学生的帮助下成立的。AAA为给亚裔美国学生争取少数族裔 地位,发起了一场广泛的反对校方的运动。
The organization grew out of the Coalition of Asian American Students, an early activist group formed during the Vietnam War to oppose the U.S. war effort. The coalition dissolved after the war ended. The orientation-week incident was the catalyst' for the new group. The Coalition of Asian American Students joined with the Black Students Association and other minority groups circulated a platform flier declaring that “Asian American minority recognition is an essential fight to expand the gains won by minority students and the democratic rights to self determination in their affairs,”
该组织是由亚裔美国学生联合体发展起来的,后者是早期在越战期间成立的反对 美国参战的一个活动组织。该联合体在战争结束之后就解散了。迎新会事件是AAA成立的催化剂。亚裔美国学生联合体同黑人 学生协会和其他少数族裔团体联合起来,散 发传单,宣布“承认亚裔美国人为少数族裔, 对扩大少数族裔学生的收益和自决事务的民 主权力来说是非常重要的一项斗争.
After extensive confrontations and information campaigns and a sit-in in University Hall in which students vowed not to leave the Dean’s office until acceptance was accorded, the administration formally acknowledged Asian Americans as minorities at the end of 1976.
学生进行了长时间深入的对抗和宣传活 动,并在哈佛大堂静坐,发誓如果不接受亚 裔美国人为少数族裔就不会离开大堂,最后 校方终于在1976年底正式承认亚裔美国人为 少数族裔。
Today, The Harvard-RadclifFe Asian American Association is one of the largest student-run ethnic organizations at Harvard College. It is composed of five committees (Social, Cultural, Educational/Political, Outreach, and Public Relations Committees) and is dedicated to creating a diverse and nurturing community of Asian American undergraduates at Harvard University.
今天哈佛拉德克利夫亚裔美国人协会是哈佛学院最大的学生组织之一。它包括五 个委员会(社会、文化、教育/政治、推广、公共关系委员会),并致力于在哈佛大学 创立一个多样化的、丰富的亚裔美国本科生团体。