俄罗斯非政府组织被打上外国机构标签 但仍帮助难民儿童(在线收听

俄罗斯非政府组织被打上外国机构标签 但仍帮助难民儿童

Refugee children drew maps of Moscow in a class on Russian culture and customs taught by volunteers, a project of NGO called the Civic Assistance Committee. But the classroom helping integrate children, who fled Afghanistan, Congo, Syria and elsewhere, is temporary. This one is held in a pottery studio.


“The situation developed in the Summer when the Civic Assistance Committee was deemed a foreign agent. During that same week, it happened we got a letter saying we had three months to vacate the location. It's not a coincidence. It can't be.”


The group's learning center for refugee children was evicted in February from their residence of nearly two decades without explanation. Russian authorities labeled the group a foreign agent, a term that implies disloyalty. That measure also calls the organization financial support.


“It was a fund that has supported us for long time, then they called us and asked directly if we had been entered into the Registry of Foreign Agents. We replied, Yes. In two days, we received their letter refusing to finance the center.”


The center began in the 1990s, helping children displaced from war in Chechnya who were unable to enroll in Russian schools. It is expanded to help as many refugee children as possible learn Russian to better integrate into society.


“Unfortunately, we are their only option. Our kids who attend school will probably drop out. If they can't find help here, they'll have great difficulties and no one will help them keep oriented in the right direction.”


Refugees attending the classes agree.


“If I don't have these people, I think I will hate Moscow. It would be boring. Really.”


Despite their dwindling resources, the center's volunteers are staying optimistic. They will continue to hold classes for refugee children, they say, as long as they have a place to teach, however temporary.

