

Jay:His son's sitting on a curb, waiting to go to disneyland. And superman can't drag himself away from a craps table. And I'm the jerk. 

Jay:See, listen... I, uh... Sorry, but I got some bad news. 
Jay:Your dad couldn't make it. 
Manny:Why not? 
Jay:The plane was full, and this old lady needed to get home. So he gave up his seat. 
Manny:You're making that up, aren't you? 
Manny:He just didn't want to come. 
Jay:Are you kidding me? He was very upset. He was dying to see you. In fact, look what he sent. 
Manny:A limo? 
Jay:Yeah! He wanted me and your mom to take you to Disneyland. 
Manny:I told you he was an awesome dad. 
Jay:Yeah, he's a prince. Let me see. 
Jay:Okay, the key to being a good dad? Look, sometimes things work out just the way you want. 
Luke:Race you to the end. 
Phil:That is not a good idea...for you. 
Jay:Sometimes they don't. You got to hang in there. Because when all is said and done 90% of being a dad-- just showing up.