
Books overdue 逾期不还的书
While working in the library at a university,
I was often shocked by the excuses students
would use to get out of paying their fees for overdue books.
One evening an older student returned two books
that were way overdue and threw a fit
over the "outrageous" $2 fee that I asked her to pay.
I tried to explain how much she owed for each day,
but she insisted she should be exempt.
"You don't understand," she blurted out.
"I didn't even read them!"
While working in the library at a university,
I was often shocked by the excuses students
would use to get out of paying their fees for overdue books.
One evening an older student returned two books
that were way overdue and threw a fit
over the "outrageous" $2 fee that I asked her to pay.
I tried to explain how much she owed for each day,
but she insisted she should be exempt.
"You don't understand," she blurted out.
"I didn't even read them!"
overdue 过期的, 到期未付的
an overdue bill 过期的帐单
an overdue train 晚点的火车
overdue = over + due
over 额外的,超过的
overeat 吃多
overtalk 讲话太多
due 预期的,应到的
Their plane is due in 15 minutes.
throw a fit 大发脾气
outrageous 蛮横的, 残暴的
outrageous 过分的、不合乎任何情理的
He spends an outrageous amount on entertainment.
exempt 豁免、免除
exempt from
He is exempt from military service, because of his bad sight.
blurt out
Peter blurted out the news before he considered the consequence.
While working in the library at a university,
I was often shocked by the excuses students
would use to get out of paying their fees for overdue books.
One evening an older student returned two books
that were way overdue and threw a fit
over the "outrageous" $2 fee that I asked her to pay.
I tried to explain how much she owed for each day,
but she insisted she should be exempt.
"You don't understand," she blurted out.
"I didn't even read them!"
