英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0426 - 宿舍血案如何杜绝?(在线收听

Topic 1-Sichuan Normal University Dorm Murder
A Sichuan Normal University murder case has created ripples among netizens here in China. It has been dubbed as being one of the most heinous campus crimes in recent history and has attracted public discussion concerning its underlying factors. Do Chinese universities need to take dorm life more seriously?
Topic 2-Nanluoguxiang Says No to Tourist Groups
Beijing's famed tourist spot Nanluoguxiang has become a victim of its own success and will no longer accommodate tour groups. Why is that?
Topic 3-Sales volume of Chinese music market grows by 60% in 2015:report
An annual music report says music sales in China rose 63.8 percent in 2015. What’s contributed to this seemingly dramatic rise in revenue? Does it mean China's music market is moving to a paid model?