世界名人简介 第95期:米歇尔·巴切莱特(在线收听

 Michelle Bachelet was born in 1951. She is the first woman to become President of Chile. She won the 2006 election in a runoff, campaigning to help reduce the country’s huge gap between rich and poor. In 2008, ‘Time’ magazine ranked her fifteenth on its list of the world's 100 most influential people. She is a qualified surgeon and speaks five languages fluently.

Bachelet was born in Santiago, Chile. Her mother was an archaeologist and her father was an air force officer. She spent most of her childhood traveling around Chile, living on different military bases. She attended a prestigious girls-only public school and excelled in her studies. She started studying medicine in 1970. She said: "It was a concrete way of helping people cope with pain."
Augusto Pinochet came to power in a 1973 coup and her life changed forever. Her father died in 1974 after months of daily torture. Bachelet and her mother were also tortured. In 1975, they were exiled to Australia. A year later she went to the German Democratic Republic, where she completed her medical studies and learnt German.
In 1979, Bachelet returned to Chile and helped children whose parents were being tortured by Pinochet's government. She became a consultant for the World Health Organization. She also earned a Master’s in military science. In 2002 Bachelet became Latin America’s first female Defence Minister. Four years later, she became president. A record number of foreign heads of states attended her swearing in ceremony.
1979年,巴切莱特回到智利,许多夫妻遭皮诺切特政府欺辱,巴切莱特便加入了儿童救助工作。她还是世卫组织顾问。且获得了军事科学专业硕士学位。2002年,皮诺切特成为拉丁美洲首位女性国防部长。四年后成为总统。多国首脑参加就职典礼,参与人数创纪录。 around 周游
例句:He likes to travel around the world. 
2.air force 空军
例句:Our country is defended with strong army, navy and air force. 
3.defence minister 国防部长
例句:The French Defence Minister is to visit Japan later this month for talks with his Japanese opposite number.
4.cope with 应付
例句:So we must learn to cope with it. 