【跟着英剧练发音】Parades End E01 - 5(在线收听


C- Christopher Tietjens

S- Sylvia Satterthwaite

B- Bridget



C: Goodmorning.

Somebody:Good morning, sir.

Mac: Tietjens! Did you receive my telegram?

C: And a very good morning to you, too,MacMaster. So you looked over my figures.

Mac: Yes, and the Chief will have my head if I give them to him.

C: Well, don't, then. You asked for my help.

Mac: Yes, and you've weighted the calculations as though people...

C: As though people became ill according to what they have to pay for medical treatment! They do, it will ruin the Exchequer, and I intend Sir Reginald to know it.

Lady:Suppose you could bolt with a new man every week and no questions asked. Ripping, can I have this?

S: No.

Lady:But the question is, how long would it stay ripping before you're simply yawning to get back to your husband?

S: How long?

Lady:It's not a riddle, Sylvia. I’m asking.

S: Well... It would have to be weekends only. One would still need a home, a husband for show midweek, and a place to store one's maid. I couldn't do without Hello Central.


- 早上好。

- 早上好,先生。


- 你也早啊,MacMaster。你看过我算的数字了。

- 是的,我要是把这个拿给局长他非要了我的命。

- 那就别给,是你叫我帮忙算的。

- 没错,但你的计算结果好像...

- 好像人们是根据医药开销生病的一样。确实如此,这对财政部很不利。我就想让Reginald爵士知道。

- 假如你每周都能换个男人私奔而且无人过问,真漂亮,这个能给我吗?

- 不行。

- 问题是,你逍遥多久就会心生厌倦,回到你丈夫身边呢?

- 你说呢? 这不是字谜,Sylvia。我是在问你。

- 要真是那样,也只能是在周末。我还需要一个家,平日有个丈夫作摆设,还要有个地方安置女仆。我可离不开“接线员”。
