【跟着英剧练发音】Parades End E02 - 9(在线收听


C - Lady Claudine

G - General Campion

V - Valentine Wannop

W - Mrs. Wannop


G: Of course, it had to be Miss Wannop!

W: General. Are we on speaking terms? You still owe me 50 for driving your motor into my mare last year.

G: Tietjens had the rig on the wrong side of the road.

C: Tietjens?! So it was him! Driving your rig. At daybreak.

V: Good morning, Lady Claudine. Actually, it was partly the fog and partly that your brother didn't sound his horn. I was a witness.

C: A witness indeed. So was I. A witness to what, I wouldn't know.

V: Do excuse me.
