
 But I will say it betrays a poverty of ambition

我想说的是 如果你只考虑着买到什么商品
If all you think about is what goods you can buy instead of what good you can do
而不考虑能够带来什么福祉 这就有悖于贫穷之志
So, yes, go get that law degree
没问题 拿你的法律学位
But if you do, ask yourself if the only option is to defend the rich and the powerful
但你要扪心自问 你是不是只为富人和权贵辩护
Or if you can also find some time to defend the powerless
还是说 你也抽出了一些时间 为无权者辩护
Sure, go get your mba, or start that business
没问题 拿你的mba学位 开创公司
We need black businesses out there
But ask yourselves what broader purpose your business might serve
但你要扪心自问 公司更大的目的是什么
In putting people back to work, or transforming a neighborhood
是不是为更多人提供岗位 改善地方生活状况
The most successful ceos I know didn't start out intent just on making money
我所认识的最成功的ceo 其最初目的都不只是赚钱
Rather, they had a vision of how their product or service would change things
相反 他们致力于提供改变世界的产品或服务
And the money followed
Some of you may be headed to medical school to become doctors
你们有些人可能会前往医学院 成为医生
But make sure you heal folks in underserved communities
Who really need it too
For generations, certain groups in this country especially African Americans
很多年来 美国的特定群体 特别是非裔美国人
Have been desperate in need of access to quality, affordable health care
And as a society, we're finally beginning to change that
作为一个社会 我们终于开始改变这一点
Those of you who are under the age of 26 already have
The option to stay on your parent's health care plan
But all of you are heading into an economy where many young
People expect not only to have multiple jobs, but multiple careers
很多年轻人不仅希望多个工作 还希望多元职业
So starting October 1st, because of the affordable care act
从十月一日开始 因为平价医疗法案
Otherwise known as Obama care
You'll be able to shop for a quality affordable plan that's yours
And travels with you
A plan that will insure not only your health