英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0516 - 不给车钱就开除!(在线收听

Topic 1-Driving License without Driving School Not Well Received
The new policy of allowing people to get a driver’s license without going to driving schools has not been well received by future drivers, since the launch of a pilot program in 16 Chinese cities this April. Haven’t we been fed up with all the corruption and irregularities of driving schools? But why is the new policy met with a lukewarm response?
Topic 2-Majors & Employment
Recent reports show many colleges and universities are churning out graduates for industries with limited employment opportunities. Should universities adjust their majors to meet employment demand?
Topic 3-Shanghai white-collar worker fired over 36-yuan taxi debt
A white-collar worker in Shanghai is fired because she failed to pay a 36-yuan taxi ride. Is it reasonable?