美国2016年总统大选 谁是幕后捐款者?(在线收听

 US federal election law requires all candidates to report each campaign donation to the Federal Election Committee (FEC). These filings offer insight into who is willing to put their money where their vote is.

Direct campaign donors are legally allowed to interact with a candidate, but their donations cannot exceed $2,700 per presidential candidate.
美国2016年总统大选 谁是幕后捐款者?
Hillary Clinton - Total raised $130,443,637. Though Clinton has received a significant amount from bankers, she has raised even more from lawyers.
The Clinton campaign has taken in $11m from lawyers and law firms, including $1.33m from individuals who work at seven of the top US law firms. By contrast she has received just over $4m from the commercial banking and investment industries.
Bernie Sanders - Total raised $96,311,423. Bernie Sanders has received a swell of financial support from Americans giving in small amounts.
Nearly three-quarters of Senator Sanders' donations have been under $200. His campaign said the average donation in 2015 was $27.16. Only 17% of donations to rival Hillary Clinton are under $200.
Ted Cruz - Total raised $54,661,506. More than most, Texas Senator Ted Cruz has relied on donations from his home state. His campaign has received 43% of its donations from people in Texas. Those donations came from a wide range of industries including traditional Texas businesses like oil and gas and farming.
Donald Trump - Total raised $25,526,319. The first was the amount of media attention Mr Trump received early on allowing him to spread his campaign message without buying costly TV ads.
That has not stopped him from fundraising. The campaign has raised $25m, but only $7.5m is from individual donors. Health professionals and real estate professionals are the most active donors.