英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0606 - 高考移民拼分还是拼地区?(在线收听

Topic1-Ministry wary of students 'migrating' for better exam prospects
The Ministry of Education has called for more efforts to deal with the issue of so-called “gaokao migration” or “高考移民”. What is it? Why is it a problem?
Topic2-Unqualified Private Fitness Trainers
Working out in the gym has become an integral part of some Chinese people’s lifestyle. And hiring a private fitness trainer has become the latest fad. But recent reports have revealed these trainers don’t seem to be as reliable as you think. Why is that? And how can we make sure these trainers are qualified professionals?
Topic3-Personality Traits Associated with Longevity
Some believe that one’s personality can alter the course of one’s destiny. But do you believe that your personality can affect how many birthdays you celebrate?