新概念英语口语宝典第一册 第32课:如何谈论买房难(在线收听

 Lesson 27 Talking about Housing

第二十七课 如何谈论房子
A:Hey, Greg, how much is your house worth?
B:Well, the estate agent valued it at £ 250,000.
A:Is that a lot一I mean, in comparison to the market?
C:I think it's an outrageous amount, actually. I mean, look at it's only a two-up-two-down! It only cost us £ 63,000 when we bought it back in 1997. Hcxjse prices have spiraled since then, though. I think we were lucky to get it when we did. I feel really sorry for young couples these days—they just can't get a foot on the housing ladder.
B:I know. It's awful. The point is that so much foreign capital has flooded into the country because there are so few restrictions, and anyone with the money can buy property here—there are no rules on residency or nationality—so you get all these foreign speculators buying up property and pushing up the prices.
C:Yeah. And young people here are priced out of the market.
A:Well I certainly couldn't afford a house here. I'd have to club together with some friends to buy one.
B:Well, you could do that. In fact,that's what lost of young professionals do they'll get together,buy a house and have their own rooms and share the kitchen and bathroom. Then, when they want to leave the others buy them out.
A:So, how do you go about buying a house, then?
C:Gosh. It is so stressful, buying a house. They say that It's the next most stressful thing to a divorce. You have to spend ages searching websites and estate agents' windows. Estate agents have a really bad reputation here一they're just cowboys.
B:Yeah. It's quite hard, actually,and a lot of the stages overlap, put first you need to decide where you want to buy property, taking into accxxint what you can afford, local amenities and so on. You need to save up a deposit, like 5% of the value of the property. You can go direct to a building society or use a mortgage broker. Ycxi have to fill in a very detailed mortgage applicaton, stating your occupation and your salary and your savings and debts. The bank carries out a credit check to assess you as a risk and to see whether you are creditworthy or not and, after you've shown bank statements and pay slips to show that you have a secure income they'll give you a decision in principle'.
A:Why, "in principle"?
C: Because once you have found a property you want, you make an offer and, if the vendor agrees on the price, you ask him to take it off the market. Thats when you go back to the mortgage lender and tell them which property you want to buy. The lender can always pull out if they think it's too risky.
B:You also need to locate a property solicitor to carry out the conveyancing一that's the legal aspects of the process and draw up any agreements. You need to instruct the solicitor to act on your behalf, and contact the vendor's estate agent and solicitor and liaise with your mortgage lender. He will start contractual proceedings.
C:Yeah,and you also have to find a surveyor and ask for a home-buyer's report or a structural survey to be carried out to check that the house is in good condition. The mortgage lender will carry out an independent valuation of the property,and you will be required to pay for a mortgage survey. Only when the mortgage lender sees the property valuation and reexamines your application will they release the money through your solicitor.
B:Haha. Then you're in debt for the next twenty years, and they can always take the house back if you don't keep up with the mortgage payments.
A:Yes, but at least it means that you get the house now and, as long as you keep working, and house prices go up you'll be all right.
C:Ah! That's the whole points. Don't get sick or lose your job!