
 To me, it's very much a third women's revolution call to arms She spoke of the need to dispel myths about ambition and success

在我看来 这就是第三次女性革命的革命宣言她讲到消除抱负和成功误区的必要性
Chief among them the myth that success and ambition look like a straight line
Now I guess it's no big surprise that the image of success created by men would be yes, a long, phallic-shaped straight line
我想 毋庸置疑 男人们所塑造的成功形象确实就是一条阳物形状的直线
But if we don't redefine success the personal price we pay will get higher and higher
As the data shows, already that price is much higher for women than for men
Among career women who have stressful jobs and which career woman doesn't
There's a nearly 40 percent increased risk of heart disease and a 60 percent increased risk of diabetes
And in the last 30 years as women have made strides and gains in the workplace
而且在过去30年间就在女性 在工作中取得进步和斩获的同时
Self-reported levels of stress have gone up 18 percent Another Smith graduation speaker, Alistair Cooke
自我评估的压力水平上升了18%另一位史密斯毕业典礼发言人 阿利斯泰.库克
Notoriously told the class of 1954 that their way to the top would be determined by the men they married
I want to do old Alistair one better and tell you that you don't get to the top by marrying someone