
 A much simpler way is to sleep your way to the top Right now I imagine President Christ is thinking

更简单的方法是一路睡向成功现在 估计克里斯特校长正想着
She probably should have vetted this speech But no, I'm talking about sleep in the literal sense
应该事先审查这次演讲不过别想歪了 我这里的"睡"是字面意义的
Because right now the workplace is absolutely fueled by sleep deprivation and burnout
I actually know of what I speak, because in 2007 sleep deprived and exhausted, I fainted
我有亲身经历 2007年我因睡眠不足和精疲力竭而晕倒
Hit my head on my desk, broke my cheekbone and got four stitches on my right eye
头摔到桌子上 磕断了颧骨右眼上还缝了四针
And that was the beginning of my reacquainting myself with sleep and with the need to redefine success to include our own well-being
正是从这之后 我开始重新认识到睡眠的重要性开始认识到重新定义成功 并在定义中包含健康的重要性
Because even if sleep deprivation is not affecting your health it's affecting your creativity, your productivity, and your decision-making
哪怕睡眠不足没有影响到你的健康它也会影响到你的创造性 你的效率 你的决策制定
Did you know that the Exxon Valdez wreck the explosion of the Challenger space shuttle
你们知道吗 埃克森.瓦尔迪兹号触礁事故挑战者号航天飞机爆炸
And the nuclear accidents at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island were at least all
Partially the result of decisions made on too little sleep? According to researchers at Walter Reed hospital
The only thing that gets better with sleep deprivation is magical thinking and reliance on superstition