
 4 Genius New Ways to Stay Motivated Toward Any Goal

Trying new workout classes, drinking more water, leaping out of bed earlier-whatever your personal mission, there's an app or gizmo that can help you stick with it.
For morning motivation
Wake up to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson shouting at you from The Rock Clock. The new alarm app (free; iTunes and Google Play) also sends you motivational videos recorded by the pro-wrestler-slash-actor. Feeling tough? You can get up at "Rock Time," meaning your alarm will go off when his does. (Warning: He gets up really early.)
摇滚钟内约翰逊对你大叫德维恩的"岩石"以唤醒你。这款新的闹钟应用(免费的,在iTunes 和Google Play上)同样也会向你发送由职业摔跤手削减演员录制的动力视频。感到很难?你可以在"摇滚时间"起床,意味着你的闹钟在他的闹钟响时就会响(警告:他很早就起床了。)
For managing time
The Goals function in the Google Calendar app (free; iTunes and Google Play) finds open slots in your schedule to squeeze in your goal (working out three times per week, say). Last-minute happy hour instead of spin class? Sorry, no excuses: If you cancel a session, Calendar will automatically reschedule it.
谷歌日历应用(免费的,在iTunes and Google Play中)中的目标函数会在你的日程中找到空隙并将你的目标挤入其中(比如说每周锻炼三次)。最后一分钟的快乐时光而非旋转课?对不起,没有理由:如果你取消一节课,日历将会自动重新对其计划。
For monitoring your progress
Turn any FitBit into a health coach by syncing the band with Echo, Amazon's hands-free speaker. The new feature lets you ask Echo's voice assistant, Alexa, questions like "What's my step count?" She'll give a response along with a nudge. ("Take a walk, but don't forget to stop and smell the roses.")
For extra encouragement
Meet Moti-a gadget, out this fall, that gets increasingly excited the more you pursue your goal. Set it somewhere easy to spot (office desktop, dresser) and press the face each time you, for example, log your run. It lights up and makes noise the more consistent you are, and it turns red and beeps when you fall short.