VOA慢速英语2016 欧盟主席称欧洲必须处理那些不满情绪(在线收听

AS IT IS 2016-06-21 EU President Says Europe Must Deal with Dissatisfaction 欧盟主席称欧洲必须处理那些不满情绪

The President of the European Union says members must deal with dissatisfaction in Europe whether Britain decides to leave the EU or not.


Donald Tusk spoke Monday in Lisbon, Portugal. According to the Associated Press, he said, “Whatever its result is going to be, we must take a long, hard look on the future.”

Donald Tusk周一在葡萄牙里斯本发表声明。 他告诉美联社说:“不论结果如何,我们都必须做好长远艰难的准备看待这个问题。”

He said, “we would be foolish if we ignored such a warning signal as the UK referendum.”


The popular vote, or referendum, will take place on June 23.British citizens will vote on whether their country will remain an EU member.


Dissatisfaction in the EU has been growing every year among long-time members, such as the Netherlands and France.New eastern European members, such as Poland and Hungary, have also seen anti-EU feelings grow.


Tusk said, “There are more signals of dissatisfaction with the Union coming from all of Europe, not only from the UK.”


The EU’s biggest economies, Germany and France, hope that British citizens will vote to remain in the union.


German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Europe would in his words, “lose more than just a country.We would be losing the history and traditions of Great Britain in the European Union.”

德国外交部长Frank-Walter Steinmeier说欧盟“失去的不仅仅是一个国家。我们失去的是欧盟内部英国的历史和传统。”

He said, “Europe would be much poorer if Britain leaves.”


France’s Foreign Minister spoke to reporters at an EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Luxembourg Monday.Jean-Marc Ayrault noted the importance of the vote for all of Europe, not only Britain.

欧盟外交部长会议于周一在卢森堡召开,法国外交部长在会议上接受了记者的采访。Jean-Marc Ayrault强调了这次投票不仅仅对英国很重要,对整个欧洲都很重要。

In his words, “all Europeans are looking to the British people, because we have - history reminds us - a long life in common.”


British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond also spoke Monday.He said “there will be no going back” if Britain decides to leave the European Union.

英国外交大臣Philip Hammond也在周一发表声明。他说:如果英国决定退出欧盟,那么就再也不能反悔了。

He said Britain could never rejoin the EU except on terms that would not be acceptable to the country.


He said such terms could include sharing a common EU currency or taking part in the Schengen Agreement for passport-free travel.


British public opinion appears to be turning toward staying in the EU, especially after the murder last week of British lawmaker Jo Cox. The Labour Party politician had been an opponent of the “Brexit” effort and a supporter of refugees and immigrants.

英国公众态度看起来倾向留在欧盟,尤其是在英国国会议员Jo Cox上周被谋杀以后。工党政客以前反对退欧,支持难民和移民。

The marketing company ComRes in London told VOA that support between the sides is about equal.However, the head of the company, Andrew Hawkins, said the movement to “leave” lost some support after the killing.

伦敦营销公司ComRes接受VOA采访时称双方现在基本持平。然而,公司领导Andrew Hawkins说在谋杀之后,退欧行动失去了一些支持者。

Both sides in the referendum stopped campaigning after the deadly attack.


Words in This Story

referendum –n. a popular vote on a law that usually deals with a single issue

xenophobia –n. a state of fear or anger directed at foreigners

poster –n. a large printed message put in a public place to gain attention for a cause or as an advertisement

remind – v. to make (someone) think about something again : to cause (someone) to remember something?

currency – n. the money that a country uses : a specific kind of money?
