
 Delighted at both the mysteries of the universe and the everyday little things that fill our lives

And whenever I'd complain or be upset about something, she would say to me: "Darling, change the channel
我抱怨或烦恼时 她总是会跟我说"亲爱的 换台"
You are in control of the clicker Don't replay the bad, scary movie"
One of the gifts that this attitude to life gave her was the ability to cut through hierarchies
I remember one night, I was living in London and dating a Tory member of Parliament
It must have been one of those decisions made on sleep deprivation And he brought home to dinner the then-Prime Minister Edward Heath
My mother was in the kitchen, where she was most of the time and the plumber had to come in to fix some last-minute problem
我母亲在厨房 和大多数时候一样而一位水管工正在处理紧急关头出现的问题
So my mother asked the plumber what he thought of the prime minister "Not much," the plumber said, "he hasn't been good for working people"
我母亲问这位水管工 他对首相怎么看"不怎么样" 水管工回答说 "他对劳动人民不怎么友好"
"Oh!" my mother said, "Let me go bring him here so you can tell him directly" And she didn't think there was any problem at all
"哦" 我母亲说 "那我把他找来 你们两直接聊聊"她不认为这有任何问题
About bringing the prime minister to the kitchen and that's where he sat down and heard a mouthful from the plumber
她把首相带到厨房让首相坐在那里 听一位水管工的满腹牢骚
Well-being, wonder and now the 3rd W, wisdom
健康 好奇然后是第三个W开头的单词 智慧
If you look around you you see leaders in positions of power in politics, in media, in business
环顾四周你可以看到政治 传媒 商业领域很多权力巨大的领袖
All of them with high iqs and great degrees making terrible decisions