经济学人:斯洛文尼亚 美丽背后蕴藏危机(在线收听


  Very European
  Slovenia’s first big crisis since independence
  Beautiful but angry
  Slovenes have always felt rather pleased with themselves. Their country is beautiful, they were the richest of the Yugoslavs and, after independence in 1991, they joined the European Union, NATO and the euro.
  How different things are today. Slovenes are angry and confused. Their prime minister is on trial for corruption, unemployment is high, the country’s banks are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy and a series of painful structural reforms lie ahead.
  In July Slovenia’s leading bank had to be bailed out to the tune of more than 380m ($478m) by the government. Janez Jansa, the prime minister, has talked of a “Greek scenario” and has warned that Slovenia will become the sixth European country to seek a bail-out unless his government’s reforms go through. The ratings agencies have downgraded Slovenia; many civil servants have had their pay cut by 7.5%.
  在7月份的时候,斯洛文尼亚的主要银行不得不接受超过38亿欧元(约为47.8亿美元)的政府援助来帮助自己脱离困境。现任总理Janez Jansa曾谈论到一个“希腊场景”,并警告说,如果斯洛文尼亚不进行改革,它将成为第六个寻求援助的欧盟国家。而评级机构已经下调了斯洛文尼亚等级;许多公务员的工资也被削减了7.5%。
  Even though Slovenia’s demography is terrible, it has until now had generous pensions and a low retirement age. As only 40,000 signatures are needed to call a referendum, painful reforms are easily blocked. A referendum that defeated an attempt at pension reform in June 2011 was the beginning of the end of the then government. The current coalition (in which a party of pensioners plays a crucial role) has adopted draft laws on pension and labour-law reform, which will both be contested.
  Mr Jansa, a political veteran, came to power in February. He is on trial for allegedly taking bribes from a Finnish arms company. On September 5th the former head of one of Slovenia’s biggest companies was convicted of fraud. The Catholic church has been rocked by financial and sex scandals.
  In this febrile atmosphere quarrels have been breaking out about who did what in the second world war. These altercations may serve as distractions from the country’s economic woes, but they provoke much bitterness. In the political mythology of Slovenia’s right the ten-day war of independence in 1991 should take centre stage, not the tragic events of 1945.
  On November 11th Slovenia will go to the polls to elect a president. The incumbent, Danilo Turk, looks set for a second term. Under united leadership, Slovenia could recover relatively quickly, says Sonja Smuc, who runs an employers’ association. It has several companies that thrive abroad and its public debt, at 47.6% of GDP, is growing but far from critical. Renata Salecl, an intellectual, is less optimistic though. Many of Slovenia’s problems are similar to those elsewhere in Europe, she says, and “soon we will reach deadlock.”
  11月11日,斯洛文尼亚将会全民投票选举总统。现任总统Danilo Turk期许能获得连任。某雇主协会主席Sonja Smuc称,在统一领导下,斯洛文尼亚能较快恢复生产经营。斯洛文尼亚在国外有几家企业发展状况良好,并且其国债占GDP比重为47.6%,虽然不断增长但无大碍。Renata Salecl是位知识分子,对此不抱有乐观态度。斯洛文尼亚的所遇到的问题和欧洲某些地区相似,她认为,“我们很快也会陷入僵局。