土耳其未遂政变后继续肃清 约六千人被逮捕(在线收听

   Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said last Sunday that the government's actions against the organizers of the attempted coup are not over and a cleansing operation will be carried out.

  "We don't have to mix soldiers who love their nation and country and parallel terrorist groups who were disguised in those soldiers' uniforms. They are not soldiers. They are riding tanks mercilessly on citizens. They are slayers who opened fire against their nation without closing their eyes. They will take punishment that they deserve."
  The prime minister made the statement during a visit to the TRT state television studios.
  土耳其未遂政变后继续肃清 约六千人被逮捕
  At the height of the action, rebel soldiers took control of TRT, and announced a countrywide curfew and martial law.
  Yildrim also said life will go back to normal following the failed coup attempt. He added that the central bank, capital markets board, banking system and stock exchange were all functional.
  The death toll from Turkey's failed military coup has risen to more than 290 with more than 1,400 people wounded.
  In the meanwhile, more than 6,000 have been detained so far due to their involvement in the coup.