

There’s something special about old trams, such as Istanbul’s Nostalgia Tramway, whichreturned to the city more than 25 years after it was closed. In Rio de Janeiro, an extensivenetwork of tram lines, including the Santa Teresa line, operated for more than a century. Asspare parts became harder to find, workshops kept the cars running with patches andimprovisation. But one by one, the lines closed until only Santa Teresa's was left. A brakefailure in 2011 that injured 50 and killed six people finally forced officials to shut it down, as well.Responding to pressure from locals and wishing to attract tourists, authorities reopened theline last year, with replicas of the old cars with modern safety features. This year is a realbrake. It’s magnetic. It is activated by a magnet. Along with a magnetic brake, twopneumatic brake systems ensure that the cars will stop when needed. At the end of the line, aconductor still has to manually move the trolley pole from one side of the car to the other. Inother parts of Rio, the old trams were replaced by light rail – fast, silent and air-conditioned.Light rail is expected to handle much of the Olympic traffic. Training for drivers takes full sevenmonths. All the drivers are being trained both on board and in the simulator for every kind ofemergency situation. But a visit to one of Rio's many souvenir shops reveals that the light railline hardly inspires local artists. De Tulio is a local artist. He uses recycled materials. It’s easy tosee that a nostalgic ride on the Santa Teresa line, through Rio’s narrow streets and across theCarioca Aqueduct, is something that stays in one's memory much longer than a quick ride onthe modern light rail.


