老板自愿降薪改善员工薪水 员工送豪华车以表感谢(在线收听

   Gravity Payments employees celebrated CEO Dan Price's victory in court against his brother by gifting him with a brand new car.

  日前,Gravity Payments公司的CEO丹·普莱斯在法院胜诉了他的哥哥,而员工们竟然送了一辆崭新的豪车来感谢他。
  The staff saved up for months and on Thursday presented their boss with a Tesla, his dream car, according to the post on Facebook.
  "A brand new, gorgeous blue #Tesla. Still in shock. How do I even begin to say thank you?" said the grateful CEO in his post.
  这位CEO心怀感激地在Facebook上说道:"一辆崭新的、豪华的蓝色特斯拉。太激动了。我该怎么开口说谢谢你?"The Tesla also bore a card with an inscription from the employees:
  "Dan, Thank you for always putting the team before yourself. This gift is our way of showing how much your sacrifice means to us.""丹,谢谢你总是优先考虑团队的利益。我们希望用这个礼物,来说明你的牺牲对我们来说是多么重要。"老板自愿降薪改善员工薪水 员工送豪华车以表感谢Price and Gravity made news in April of last year when its young CEO announced the decision to raise the minimum wage of its employees to $70,000 a year after a phase-in period. What's more, Price also said he would make drop his salary of $1.1 million to just $70,000 to help raise the funds for the income hike.
  去年四月,普莱斯和Gravity Payments就搞了个大新闻,当时年轻的CEO普莱斯宣布,决定将逐步把员工们的最低年薪提高到7万美元。此外,普莱斯还表示,将把自己的110万美元年薪减到7万美元,把节省下来的钱给员工们涨工资。
  Price told The New York Times shortly after the announcement that he had put his house on listing on Airbnb to make "ends meet" as he got used to his new salary. His house is still listed for a whopping price of $950 per night.
  However, a news report by Bloomberg suggested the generous move may be a reaction to a costly lawsuit stemming from his brother, Lucas, who alleged Price paid himself in excess for several years.
  Whatever the reason for the raise may be, Price's employees are nothing but thankful to their CEO, as evidenced by their lavish gift.