VOA常速英语2016--脱欧或导致英国领跑地位不保 多国伺机取代英国(在线收听

脱欧或导致英国领跑地位不保 多国伺机取代英国

The prospect of leaving the European Union, and with it access to the prized single market of500 million people, has sent shivers through the city of London. This is about the negotiation.The mayor of London has made clear, as has the prime minister, that we want to negotiatecontinued access to the single market. But other EU leaders insist Britain cannot have access tothe single market, and at the same time, restricts on European immigration -- the core issuethat drove the "Leave" campaign to victory in June. So with Britain seemingly on its way out ofthe single market, other cities are eyeing London's position as Europe's leading city. Along withFrankfurt in Germany, Paris is among those best placed to steal a share. The Frenchgovernment recently spoke of "rolling out the red carpet" to firms fleeing Brexit, promising tomake its tax regime for expatriates the most favorable in Europe. We have very internationalcompanies. If you compare the situation to 10 years ago, the situation has completely changed.The French corporations operate a major part of their activities in the global world. London isalso Europe’s leading hub for tech industries, with more than 3,000 start-ups based in the city.Many are around the so-called "Silicon Roundabout". Berlin spies an opportunity: It is alreadyEurope’s second-biggest tech city and the real estate is far cheaper than London. With Brexit,London has more or less taken itself out of the race. And we do believe that over time theadvantage of Berlin will grow and more tech start-ups will come to Berlin. In a recent article,The New York Times rated Amsterdam as best placed to steal London’s crown, thanks to itsglobal connections, English-speaking population and attractiveness to expatriates. ButLondon’s proponents insist the city will remain number one. Because the people that do thebusiness and have the expertise want to remain here, and the government and the Mayor ofLondon will do everything they can to keep them. London contributes nearly a quarter ofBritain’s national income. The Brexit vote has plunged the country into uncertainty, and rivalsin Europe are watching with interest.


