今日热门词汇:Emergency funding(在线收听

   Emergency funding

  据《华盛顿邮报》报道,五角大楼和国会消息人士透露,美国总统布什准备再向国会申请拨款700亿美元,用于在伊拉克和阿富汗境内的军事行动。如果这项申请通过的话,美国自发动伊拉克战争以来的战争支出将增加到2250亿美元。新华社报道如下:The Bush administration intends to seek about 70 billion US dollars in emergency funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan early next year, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.
  White House budget office spokesman Chad Kolton said final decisions will not be made until shortly before Bush submits his budget for fiscal 2006 in early February, assuming he wins re-election.
  Emergency funding表示“应急资金”,funding表示“提供资金,用发行长期债券的方法来收回短期债券”。相关词组有:advance funding(预拨资金);entitlement funding(按指定用途提供资金);forward funding(提供远期资金);joint funding(联合筹款);non-recurrent funding(临时补助)等。
  10月27日,欧委会候任主席巴罗佐·若泽·曼努埃尔决定推迟向欧洲议会提交下届欧盟委员会组成名单。新华社报道如下:Incoming President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso decided here Wednesday to postpone putting his team to the vote by the European Parliament (EP).
  Incoming作名词讲表示“收入,收益,进入,到来”,在这里表示“即将就任的”。例如:the incoming governor(即将上任的总督)。