

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak promised a full investigation of what happened Thursday atthe Egyptian-Israeli border, and said Israel regrets the deaths of the three Egyptians. Hiscomments were seen as less than an apology for Israel's actions while pursuing militants fromGaza who had staged attacks in southern Israel, and public reaction was swift here in Cairo.Angry street protests outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo have been going on for several days,and the Egyptian press has mounted a war of words against the Jewish state. An Egyptianarmy checkpoint protects the Israeli embassy in Cairo's Giza district, but hundreds ofprotesters tried to break those barriers early Saturday. The crowd chanted slogans calling forexpulsion of Israel's ambassador in Egypt, and demanded suspension of a controversialagreement with Israel for the sale of natural gas. One middle-aged activist said the killings ofthe Egyptian soldiers requires retaliation by Egypt? He says the people will not accept that killingof any Egyptians at the border, either by accident or intentionally. An era of "turning theother cheek" is over, this demonstrator insists. He says the Egyptian people will react if theirgovernment and Supreme Military Council do not. A government spokesman, InformationMinister Osama Haikal, said Egypt can defend its lengthy cross-Sinai border with Israel, butthat both states must share the responsibility of keeping the peace there. Egypt can protectits border and ensure that it controls Sinai, the information minister says, while stressing thatIsrael and Egypt both are responsible for security there. Said Sadek, who teaches politicalsociology at the American University in Cairo, says both Egypt and Israel are exploiting thecurrent climate for domestic political purposes, and to divert attention away from internalcrises. Foreign policy is always an excuse for trouble in domestic policy. Both Egypt and Israelare having domestic problems. And so, the skirmishes that took place near the Egyptian-Israeliborder are serving both sides politically in the domestic field. Sadek says Egypt's rulingSupreme Military Council and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu probably both havegained domestic support over the past few days, but he asks: Would that escalate into a war?I don't think so. Both sides are playing on the verge of a conflict to serve the domesticagenda, but I don't think they will go as far as that. Israel's airstrikes in Gaza have beenanswered by salvos of rockets fired into Israel from Gaza, which continued Saturday.


开罗已迅速激起民怨沸腾。连续几天,位于开罗的以色列大使馆外聚集了愤怒的抗议民众,而开罗媒体也持续声讨以色列。开罗吉萨地区的以色列大使馆虽有埃及军队关卡的保护,但周六早上还是有成百上千的抗议者试图冲破关卡。抗议民众高喊着驱逐以色列大使馆的口号,并要求取消与以色列长期以来关于天然气的协议。其中一名中年抗议者表示,杀了埃及的士兵就要受到报复。他还表示,在埃及边境上杀害埃及人,无论是蓄意行为还是无意为之,都是不能接受的。 “逆来顺受”的时代已经过去,示威者坚称。他表示,如果埃及政府和最高军事委员会不作为,那埃及民众就会有所作为。埃及政府发言人称,埃及会与以方一同捍卫边界,也一同承担边界和平的责任。他还表示,埃及会保护其边境,确保其控制西奈,同时强调,双方对于边境安全共同承担责任。美国大学开罗分校的政治社会学老师老师萨德克表示,埃及和以色列在试图利用气候情况分散内部危机的注意力。外交政策永远都是内政出问题的借口。埃及和以色列都有内部问题。因此,埃以边境的冲突已成为双方内政问题的政治借口。萨德克称,埃及的最高军事委员会和以色列首相很可能都在过去的几天中获得了国内的支持,但是他抛出了问题:这会让冲突升级为两国之间的战争吗?我并不这样认为。双方都在利用边境冲突实现自己的政治目的,但我认为并不会走到战争的那一步。以色列在加沙的空袭得到的反馈是来自加沙对以色列的炮轰,这一炮轰直到周六还在持续。
