
   1 There's not much to it.

  ? There's not much to it:
  You just flip that switch and wait. There's not much to it.
  2 All right, whatever. Suit yourself.
  ? Suit yourself:
  -I'm too tired to go out tonight.
  -Suit yourself.
  3 Can you Cc me and Eddie when you send that?
  ? Cc (someone) : Cc 是 Carbon copy的缩写,是在写邮件中所用到的“抄送”。
  I'll Cc you when I send it.
  4 I'm so out of it this morning.
  ? (someone) is out of it :
  You seem kind of out of it today.
  5 There's a fine line between helping your kids with their homework and doing it for them.
  ? There’s a fine line between: 这个表达用于指两件事很相似,以至于容易混淆,指微妙的差别。
  There's a fine line between a frown and a grimace.
  6 You can tell that she's had work done.
  ? (someone) has had work done: 这句话是指某人做过了整形手术。
  Amy said she's never had work done on her face.
  7 I don't know off the top of my head, but I'll shoot them over to you this afternoon.
  ? Off the top of my head:当场就能想到,即兴说出。如果用在否定意义的句子里,多半是用来暗示需要再多一点时间思考。
  I can think of two people who might be interested, off the top of my head.
  8 If you’re feeling under the weather, by all means go home and get some rest.
  ? By all means:请务必,一定要做某事。也可以在回答提议时说,相当于“当然”。
  “May I make a suggestion?” “By all means.”
  我能提个建议吗? 当然。
  9 Can you please cut it out.
  ? Cut it out: 当别人在做一些令你心烦的事情,你就可以让他cut it out,意思就是你能停下来吗。
  I'm sick of that joke. Cut it out, will you?
  10 Let’s crack open the window and have some fresh air.
  ? Crack open the window : 这个表达和“open the window” 很像,但程度不同,crack open the window是指把窗户打开一道缝隙。
  It’s a bit stuffy in here, let’s crack open the window.
  11 You're gonna screw up that test.
  ? Screw up:把事情搞砸。
  I had a perfect chance, but I screwed up.
  12 I was on the verge of going to sleep at a point.
  ? At a point / at some point:在某个时刻,其中at a point 更强调是在某一个特定的时刻。
  You will have to do your homework at some point.
  I was so close to beat the record at a point.
  13 Get over it!
  ? Get over it: 指忘掉烦心事,相当于forget about it。
  It’s not a big deal, so get over it.
  14 I wound up going over to James’s place.
  ? Wind up: 结果;最终变成的样子。
  He overspent and wound up in debt.
  15 I’m working the night shift tomorrow.
  ? Work … shift:表示上…班,work the night shift是指上晚班。
  I’m working the morning shift today.
  16 They've been getting a bit of media attention lately.
  ? Get media attention:得到媒体的关注,媒体曝光率高,也就是所谓的“红”。
  She’s getting all the media attention recently.
  17 I thought it was a really original take on the play.
  ? A take on something:对某事物的见解、诠释。上面的例句可以理解成对这部话剧的全新有创意的演绎。Original指独创、新颖的。
  So what's your take on this new book? 你对这本新书有什么看法吗?
  18 Go easy on me!
  ? Go easy on (someone):手下留情,别太狠。
  Go easy on me, I just started a month ago.
  19 Just ease into it.
  ? Ease into it:意思是“慢慢来”,一般用于劝别人放松心情。
  Don’t try so hard, ease into it.
  20 I’m going to head off to bed.
  ? Head off to (somewhere):指出发去某个地方。
  We are heading off to school.
  21 You have to chill.
  ? Chill:原意是冷,在日常用语中,多表示relax,放松。
  The test shouldn’t be that hard; you can chill.
  22 Would you happen to have a pen?
  ? Happen to (do something):这个表达的意思是“正好”,一般用于委婉地请求别人做某事。
  Do you happen to have your Chemistry book?
  23 For the record he wasn't agreed with that.
  ? For the record:郑重说明。
  For the record, I have never been to the apartment.
  24 Just because I am fat doesn’t mean I’m slow.
  ?Just because… doesn’t mean…:这是口语中非常常见的表达,虽然很多人觉得它语法有问题,意思是“虽然……但不代表……”。
  Just because I am slim doesn’t mean I like sports.
  25 Does anyone want to split with me?
  ? Split with (someone):这个词组跟“share with” 是同义词,翻译成“与…分享”。
  Do you want to split this cake with me?
  26 Are you seeing anyone?
  ? seeing someone :表示谈朋友,搞对象
  Have you heard the news? Rick is seeing someone.
  27 I’ll let it slide this time.
  ? Let it slide:这个表达常用于对方犯错误的时候,不追究,不指出,放过某人。
  He used an incorrect word but, because he's my friend, I let it slide.
  28 A woman wants a guy who she can click with.
  ? Click:一拍即合、合得来,能产生共鸣。
  When I first met her, we just clicked, and we're best friends now.
  29 Do I look presentable?
  ? Presentable:衣着得体,能出去见人的意思。
  I don’t think you are presentable.
  30 You need to scale back.
  ? Scale back:指“缩减”,或者“使减少”。
  It’s way too much, you have to scale it back. 这也太多了,你得要想办法让减掉一点