深圳拟建自己的曼哈顿 超级摩天楼(在线收听

   Sky-high ambition: Chinese city plans its own Manhattan with a 2,400-foot-tall super tower中国城市规划自己的曼哈顿,其中有一栋2400英尺高的超级摩天楼A Chinese city announced its plan this week to build a 2,424-foot-tall skyscraper. The enormous tower is proposed by Shenzhen, a city of seven million bordering Hong Kong.

  深圳毗邻香港,有着700万人口。本周,深圳宣布建一栋2424英尺高的摩天楼The super skyscraper, which is yet to be named, is due to be a part of a new financial district, billed as Shenzhen’s own Manhattan.
  The Luohu District of Shenzhen released computer-generated images of the building and its surrounding areas on its website this week.
  The pictures have since been widely shared among Chinese media, including People’s Daily Online.