特朗普 不会对非法移民实行大赦(在线收听

   Donald Trump renewed his vow to crack down on illegal immigration, saying on Wednesday that there would be no amnesty, in a speech that showed no sign of the Republican presidential candidate softening a stance that has hurt him with Latinos.

  唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)重申了自己打击非法移民的誓言。周三,他在演讲时表示,美国将不会进行大赦。没有迹象表明这名共和党总统候选人软化了在这个问题上的立场。此立场伤害了他与拉丁裔人士之间的关系。
  In a speech in Phoenix that came immediately after his return to the US from a meeting with the Mexican president, Mr Trump said he would vigorously enforce all US immigration laws, and start building a wall on the US-Mexico border on his first day in the White House.
  After two weeks of speculation that Mr Trump might soften his position — both to win support from Hispanics and ease concerns among nervous Republicans who worry that he is racist — the New York tycoon doubled down on most elements of his stance.
  In his most detailed address on immigration, Mr Trump said that he would hire 5,000 more border patrol agents, and place more on the border to police his wall rather than have them sitting behind desks.
  Mr Trump laid out a 10-point plan which stressed his intention to quickly deport any illegal immigrants who have been convicted of non-immigration related crimes and those who were posing a financial burden on government finances.
  But the tycoon appeared to postpone efforts to clarify whether he would deport all the 11m estimated illegal immigrants in the US.
  Mr Trump said that the US would only be able to consider the status of people who remained illegally following the implementation of his plan after the US had built the wall and stopped new illegal immigration. Only then will be able to consider status of people who remain, said Mr Trump.
  Earlier Mr Trump held talks in Mexico City with Mexican leader Enrique Pe?a Nieto, during which the two discussed the Republican candidate’s plans to build a wall.
  早些时候,特朗普与墨西哥领导人恩里克?佩尼亚?涅托(Enrique Pe?a Nieto)在墨西哥城举行了会谈。两人在会谈中讨论了这位共和党候选人的高墙建造计划。
  The New York tycoon told reporters he had held an excellent, tremendous meeting with a man he called my friend and that lasted more than an hour.
  They also discussed immigration and security, improving a North American Free Trade Agreement that Mr Trump said had favoured Mexico.
  As expected, Mr Trump did not budge on his plans to build a great wall on the US’s southern border, which he has vowed to make Mexico fund.
  We recognise and respect the right of either country to build a physical barrier or wall, he said, in prepared remarks.
  I love the United States very much and we want to make sure the people of the Untied States are very well protected.
  The funding question would be for a later date, he said in answer to a question from a reporter.