英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0912 - 当心!影院怪兽出没!(在线收听

 Topic 1-Suicide among rural seniors

China’s elderly who live in the countryside are more prone to ending their lives as opposed to city folks in the same age group. What went wrong?
Topic 2-Man Sues Blogger for Insulting Henan People
A resident of Henan province is suing a micro-blogger for criticizing all Henan people. The lawsuit was accepted by the Zhengzhou Jinshui District People's Court in Zhengzhou, Henan province.
Topic 3-The 5 Assholes You Meet at the Cinema
When the lights go down in a cinema, 5 types of cinema monsters could be raising their ugly heads. How should we deal with them, or are you one of them? The eater, the late comer, the phone flasher just to name a few.