
   It's a good one Some others are listening, learning, and collaboration.

  这个问题很好还有一些包括 倾听 学习 协作
  I was once at a conference with some of the smartest people in the world.
  Actually a little intimidating to be honest and someone said to me "Remember.
  老实说 这有点吓人有人跟我说 "记住"
  There are a lot of really smart people in the world and most of them don't work for you".
  A good idea can come from anywhere and to be a lifetime learner is a great characteristic to develop and to utilize.
  好主意能来自任何地方活到老学到老 是一个值得开发和利用的伟大特质
  OK, let's go to "What should you do?" Well, my advice: Keep your options open, as I said.
  好 再看 你应该做什么我的建议是 保持选择的开放性
  And create some "guardrails" from which you can evaluate these options.
  When I say "guardrails" what I mean is you have to figure out.
  What is it that makes you fulfilled What are your passions?.
  What will make you feel satisfied at the end of the day? If you talk to anyone that has achieved personal success.
  They will all tell you they have followed their passions It's critical to success and self-fulfillment.
  他们都会告诉你 他们追逐着自己的热情这是成功和自我实现的关键
  So take some time and figure out what it means to you It will help.
  花些时间 弄清这对你意味着什么这会很有帮助
  Expectations Oh yeah.
  期望哦 对
  ... are always part of the mix A key point? Whose expectations are you trying to fulfill?.
  这总是组合的一部分关键在于 你要实现谁的期望
  Your parents? Your friends? Professors? Siblings? Significant others or your own?.
  父母的 朋友的 教授的 兄弟姐妹的另一半的 还是你自己的