
   There's only one that really matters only one that you have complete control over.

  Make sure you know how to answer that one first Then you can deal with all the rest.
  If you don't, you'll wake up some morning and ask yourself "how did I get here?".
  否则的话 某天早上醒来 你会问自己我怎么到达这里的
  Now that's not always a bad thing I pretty much do that every day.
  当然 这并不总是坏事我基本每天就是如此
  I can't believe how incredibly fortunate i've been I have stayed at the same company for 34 years.
  Sometimes I have to stop and ask myself why? The original plan was to stay a maximum of five.
  有时 我会停下来问我自己 为什么最初的计划是 顶多待5年
  I had options along the way but I realized there were three questions.
  这期间我也有别的选择但我意识到 有三个问题
  I had to be able to answer every time I considered another opportunity whether it was inside or outside of Nike.
  我必须得到肯定的答案 其它机会才值得考虑不管是在耐克内部还是外部
  First: Was I confident and prepared to be a success in the new role? Because success breeds opportunity.
  第一是 在新角色上我是否做好了准备并有信心成功因为成功孕育着机会
  Second: Was it an opportunity that allowed me to continue to learn new things? Because you don't know what you don't know.
  第二是 这个机会能否让我继续学到新东西因为你总有不知道的东西
  And finally: Was it something I really had a passion for? Because boredom will never allow you to do your best.
  最后是 这件事我是否真的有热情因为做厌烦的事将永远无法发挥你的最大潜力
  Beyond that, I didn't have a plan I felt that if I could answer those three questions in a positive way.
  除此之外 我没有规划我觉得 只要我能肯定地回答这三个问题
  I go ahead and take the role I considered changing companies along the way.
  我就会拿下这个角色中途 我考虑过要不要换一家公司