英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0919 - 面对抑郁症我们能做什么?(在线收听

Topic 1-Celebrity Suicide because of Depression Claims
On the evening of September the 16th, Qiao Renliang, a Chinese actor and singer, was found dead in a Shanghai apartment. According to his agency, the 28-year-old ended his life after suffering from severe depression for years.
Topic 2-Why Women Get a Pay Raise Less than Men
A survey found that when asking for a pay rise, men were 25 percent more likely to get a yes as opposed to women. What's really behind women gets less of a salary bump and how to get a pay rise?
Topic 3-Tailor Made Teacher
A university in East China's Jiangxi province has launched a program that allows college freshmen to pick out teachers according to their preferences. Is having a customized teacher a good idea?  