
   Finding your way around this campus an economic crisis struck that would claim more than 5 million jobs.

  Before the end of your freshman year Since then some of you have probably seen parents put off retirement.
  Friends struggle to find work And you may be looking toward the future with that same sense of concern that my generation did.
  一些朋友在苦苦求职面对未来 你们也许像当年我这一代坐在你们的座位上的时候一样
  When we were sitting where you are now Of course, as young women you're also going to grapple with some unique challenges.
  感到忧心忡忡当然 作为年轻女性你们还要应对某些特殊的挑战
  Like whether you'll be able to earn equal pay for equal work whether you'll be able to balance the demands of your job and your family.
  Whether you'll be able to fully control decisions about your own health And while opportunities for women.
  Have grown exponentially over the last 30 years as young people in many ways you have it even tougher than we did.
  This recession has been more brutal the job losses steeper Politics seems nastier.
  Congress more gridlocked than ever Some folks in the financial world have not exactly been model corporate citizens.
  No wonder that faith in our institutions has never been lower particularly when good news doesn't get the same kind of ratings.
  所以 毫不奇怪对我们体制的信心达到空前之低特别是好消息