
   To embrace and rekindle right now See, the question is not whether things will get better they always do.

  和发扬光大的正是这种精神可以看出 问题并不在于事情是否会好转情况总是会变好的
  The question is not whether we've got the solutions to our challenges we've had them within our grasp.
  For quite some time We know, for example that this country would be better off if more Americans.
  已有相当一段时间了比如说 我们知道如果有更多的美国人能得到
  Were able to get the kind of education that you've received here at Barnard if more people could get the specific skills and training.
  你们在巴纳德得到的这样的教育如果有更多的人能够获得 今天的雇主所需要的
  That employers are looking for today We know that we'd all be better off if we invest in science and technology.
  那些特定的技能和训练 美国的情况会更好我们知道如果我们投资于能够造就新的企业
  That sparks new businesses and medical breakthroughs if we developed more clean energy so we could use less foreign oil.
  And reduce the carbon pollution that's threatening our planet We know that.
  We're better off when there are rules that stop big banks from making bad bets with other people's money and when insurance companies aren't allowed.
  To drop your coverage when you need it most or charge women differently from men Indeed, we know we are better off.
  取消你的保险资格或者对男女收费标准不一我们的日子会过得更好确实 我们都知道