
   When women are treated fairly and equally in every aspect of American life whether it's the salary you earn.

  Or the health decisions you make We know these things to be true.
  We know that our challenges are eminently solvable The question is whether together we can muster the will in our own lives.
  我们知道我们面临的挑战显然都是可以解决的问题是 我们是否能够拧成一股绳拿出意志力 在我们自己的生活中
  In our common institutions in our politics to bring about the changes we need.
  And I'm convinced your generation possesses that will And I believe that the women of this generation that all of you will help lead the way.
  我坚信 你们这一代具有这种意志力我相信 这一代女性你们所有的人将会在这条道路上走在前面
  Now, I recognize that's a cheap applause line when you're giving a commencement at Barnard.
  我承认 这是不用费力就能在巴纳德学院的毕业典礼上赢得鼓掌喝彩的一句话
  It's the easy thing to say But it's true It is… In part.
  It is simple math Today, women are not just half this country you're half its workforce.
  这是简单的数学题今天 妇女不仅占这个国家总人口的一半你们还是这个国家劳动力的一半
  More and more women are out-earning their husbands You're more than half of our college graduates and master's graduates, and phds.
  越来越多的女性收入超过了她们的丈夫你们在我们的大学毕业生中 在拥有硕士学位和博士学位的毕业生中占了一半以上