

  Could I have a menu, please?
  May I see your menu,please?
  I’d like to see amenu, please.
  Do you have a menuin Japanese?
  May I see a menu inJapanese?
  Do you have aJapanese menu?
  May I see the winelist, please?
  What kind of wine doyou have?
  What kind of wine dou have available?
  May I take yourorder? 您来点儿什么?
  Well, let’s see...
  What would you like?
  What will you have?
  Are you ready toorder yet?
  What do yourecommend?
  The seafood is goodhere.
  What do you think Ishould order?
  What is yoursuggestion?
  What do you think isthe best?
  What do you suggestI order?
  Can I have the sameas that?
  Sure, no problem.
  I’ll take this andthis.
  Do you have anylocal specialties?
  Could we haveseparate checks?分别付款
  May we have separatechecks?
  Could we payseparately?
  We’d like to haveseparate checks.
  I’d like to havedinner for sixty dollars including drinks.
  I’d like a steak. /Iwant a steak.
  I’d like some redwine, please.
  How would you likeit? 要几成熟的?
  How would you likeit done?
  How would you likeyour steak cooked?
  How would u likeyour steak prepared?
  Well-done, please. 烤熟点rare三成熟,medium半成熟,well-done八成熟
  Can you make itmild? 请做得清淡些
  Are you havingbreakfast?