美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2016-10-08(在线收听


This is AP news minute.

1. The U.S has suspended diplomatic contacts with Russia over the Syrian conflict. It's the latest sign of difficult relations between the two countries. 

2. In Syria, relief groups say airstrikes have damaged one of the country's most secured hospitals. Video released on Monday shows an emergency room covered in debris. The rubble is what's known as the "Cave Hospital" because it's dug into a mountain.  

3. Hillary Clinton is seizing upon the New York Time's report that Donald Trump had a loss of more than $915 million in 1995. Speaking at a rally in Ohio, the democratic presidential candidate told the crowds "what kind of genius loses billions of dollars in a single year?". Trump's surrogates have said the tax return shows he is the genius for being able to "maneuver around the tax code". 

4. Friends and family of Kim Kardashian are rushing to support her. The reality TV star was reportedly robbed in Paris. Her mother and others have been visiting her at her New York home in Soho. 

Padmananda Rama, the Associated Press with AP news minute.
