
   China’s local-currency loans and broader liquidity grew more than expected last month but at rates nowhere close to the acceleration seen earlier this year.

  New renminbi-denominated bank loans rose to Rmb1.22tn in September, up 16.2 per cent year on year after bouncing back from contraction to grow 17.1 per cent in August, according to new figures from the People’s Bank of China. That was also above a median estimate of Rmb1tn from economists.
  A broad measure of the country’s money supply, M2, rose 11.5 per cent year on year last month, just shy of a median forecast of 11.6 per cent growth and marginally closer to a target of 13 per cent annual growth.
  M1, a more narrow measurement of cash and shorter-term deposits, grew far more quickly at an annualised rate of 24.7 per cent year on year. Analysts said the discrepancies between M1 and M2 earlier in the year suggest companies still preferred to hold onto cash rather than invest.
  Still, Beijing’s favoured metric of total social financing, comprised of most major sources of financing, blew past a median forecast of Rmb1.39tn to reach Rmb1.72tn, up from Rmb1.47tn in August.
  Capital Economics China economist Julian Evans-Pritchard noted outstanding government bonds, whose share of credit is omitted from total social financing, were still growing rapidly at a pace of 57.9 per cent in September, pushing an augmented measure of the financing gauge to 16.7 per cent year on year growth, down slightly from 16.8 per cent in August.
  凯投宏观(Capital Economics)中国经济学家朱利安?埃文斯-普里查德(Julian Evans-Pritchard)指出,9月份,政府债券(这部分信贷未计入社会融资规模)余额仍在快速增长,增速达57.9%,导致一项扩充后的社会融资规模指标同比增长了16.7%,略低于8月份16.8%的同比增速。
  He added that “in coming months the economy may continue to propped up by earlier policy easing. However, a slower expansion in credit is likely to prove a major headwind to growth next year”.