
   To pay for the extra spending under this international poverty plan, each American would have to contribute less than the cost of buying a premium cup of coffee once a week. But financial aid is not(i)___, and even if the funding recommended here were to (ii)_____, the grandest objectives may well remain unfulfilled. Nonetheless, carefully targeted aid can reward responsible governments, (iii)_____individual initiative, and alleviate suffering. Many will think that's worth a cup of coffee.

  Blank(i) impediment B.a panacea C.a malady
  Blank(ii) insufficient E.recede F.materialize
  Blank(iii) G. bviate H.temper I.encourage
  第一空逻辑连接词为and,and表并列,并列的两个部分语义相同。 And后面是一个让步转折,让步转折的句子,意思的重点落在转折部分,即the grandest objectives may well remainunfulfilled. 这句话表达的是对这个扶贫计划的负态度,所以and前面也是体现负态度,又有个not, 所以选一个正评价的词,填B. panacea.
  再看第2空。第2空的逻辑连接词为even if,引导让步转折。转折的部分是一个负面的评价,所以让步的部分应该是偏正面的评价。唯一一个偏正面的评价就是F. materialize.
  最后一个空在一组并列动作中,前面有个reward responsible government 这显然是一个正面的事(用前面的nonetheless也可以看出来),那么“空格个人创业”也应该是一件正面的事,所以显然选I. encourage.
  panacea n. a remedy for all ills or difficulties 万灵药
  常考的表示万灵药的词还有cure-all, nostrum
  temper v. to dilute, qualify, or soften by theaddition or influence of something else : moderate