【英音模仿秀】Garth Brooks演唱会(在线收听

模仿文本:If Tomorrow Never Comes, sung by country singer Garth Brooks. Mr Brooks has been quiet for a while, raising a family in Oklahoma, his own family by all accounts. But now he's touring again. Five concerts have been set up for Ireland at Dublin's famous Croke Park. And such has been the demand that one in ten of the Irish population bought a ticket, 400,000 people. 
译文:(您现在听到的是)由乡村歌手Garth Brooks带来的《如果没有明天》。Brooks先生已经沉寂了一段时间,在俄克拉荷马州养家糊口,据说是他自己的小家庭哟。但是现在他又开始巡演啦。已经定下来了爱尔兰要演五场,都在都柏林著名的可洛克公园。票的需求量已经达到了每十个爱尔兰人就有一个买了票,整整40万人。