
But we start off with the news that a little girl who was thought to have been cured of HIV now has detectable levels of the virus again. Just a day after being born, she was put on antiretroviral therapy for 18 months. Then she went without the drugs for more than two years and was still found to have no signs of HIV. But now she's four and tests suggest she's no longer in remission.  
译文:  首先我们来看一则新闻,一位曾经身患艾滋病而后被治愈的小女孩,目前再次染上了艾滋病毒且病毒数量达到了可检测的水平。这个女孩儿刚出生一天,就接受了为期18个月的抗逆转录病毒治疗。治疗结束后两年多的时间里她没有服用过任何相关药物,并且也没有在她身上发现有任何患艾滋病的迹象。但现在她已经4岁了,并且测试结果显示她的病情不容乐观。