
模仿文本:This is Rio de Janeiro and it's here I've come to contemplate the World Cup host - Brazil. They won their group and they are into the last 16 where they face the exuberant Chile on Saturday, but can they go all the way and win what they called the "Hexa" - the 6th World Cup title. I've been speaking to Juninho Paulista, who's a member of the squad that last won the World Cup for Brazil in 2002.
译文:这里是里约热内卢(Rio de Janeiro),我正在这里,近距离采访世界杯主办方-巴西。巴西赢得小组赛并挺进16强,本周六即将对战精力充沛的智利。但是,巴西是否能一路到底,最后赢得他们所谓的“Hexa”,也就是六次世界杯冠军的头衔呢?我采访了儒尼尼奥•保利斯塔(Juninho Paulista),他是2002年世界杯巴西冠军队的一员。