
You're with Outlook from the BBC. I'm Matthew Bannister. Trevor Kleinhans's life has been full of secrets, but he says those secretes have had a devastating effect on him. On the surface he was a successful businessman in his native South Africa, but he was hiding the sexual abuse that he says happened in his childhood and the fact that he was gay. He's now opened up and told his whole story in a book called Secrets Make You Sick. When he came to the Outlook studio, Trevor told me why he hid his sexuality.
您现在收听的是BBC Outlook节目。我是马修·班尼斯特。特雷佛·克兰汉斯的生活可谓是充满了秘密,但他认为正是这些秘密对他产生致命影响。表面上他是南非本地的一名成功商人,却把幼年受到性侵的遭遇和他是同性恋的事实压藏心底。现在他已经开诚布公,将他全部的故事写进名为《秘密催人病》的书中。他来到BBC的Outlook节目演播室,并告诉我为什么他要隐藏自己的性取向。