
Two days after the Boko Haram attacks, dead bodies still litter the streets of several villages in Gwoza, close to Nigeria's border with Cameroon. The Member of Parliament for the area says he fears at least 200 people were killed, but it's impossible to know exactly how many, because there's no one there to count the bodies. The MPsays despite requests, Nigerian soldiers have still not deployed there. 
译文:  博科圣地袭击事件发生的两天后,格沃萨的数个村庄道路上仍然遍地尸骨,格沃萨毗邻尼日利亚与喀麦隆的分界线。该地区的国会议员表示,他担心遇难者至少有200人,但是究竟多少人被杀死现在无从得知,因为根本没有人来数尸体。这位议员说,尽管他已经提出了有关的请求,但尚未有尼日利亚士兵被派遣过来。