
 As we were just hearing, many of those sci-fi predictions of robots usurping human functions have tended to prove grossly overoptimistic in the past. A human brain is after all a complex organ and tough to replicate. One man who knows is Peter Lee. He's head of research at computer giant Microsoft and he's been leading advances in the latest voice recognition being used in Windows Phones for example. He says rapid change is just around the corner.
正如我们刚才听到的一样,过去许多科幻故事里机器人从人类手中夺权的故事实际上是对科技的发展想得过于乐观了。毕竟人类大脑是个复杂的器官,因而很难复制。彼得•李对这个情况十分熟悉。他是电脑界巨头微软公司语音识别研究的负责人,这项技术在Windows Phone上已经得到了应用。他表示大变化即将出现。