
The scale of the killings in Rwanda was almost unimaginable. In total some 800,000 people were killed in three months. That's an average of 8,000 a day, every day. The vast majority of the them were ethnic Tutsis killed by the forces of an extremist ethnic Hutu regime. This is the story of a truly remarkable man, a soldier who in the midst of this carnage, saved hundreds of lives. 
The scale of the killings in Rwanda was almost unimaginable. In total some 800,000 people were killed in three months. That's an average of 8,000 a day, every day. The vast majority of the them were ethnic Tutsis killed by the forces of an extremist ethnic Hutu regime. This is the story of a truly remarkable man, a soldier who in the midst of this carnage, saved hundreds of lives. 
译文:卢旺达大屠杀的规模几乎不可想象。在三个月的时间里,总共约80万人死亡,平均每天就有8000人遭到杀害 ,死者绝大多数是人口占少数的图西族。当时的政府由胡图族民族极端分子控制,他们的军队屠杀了大量的图西族人。接下来的故事有关一位英雄士兵的事迹,他在这场大屠杀之中拯救了数百条生命。